Hey guys! It is Aiko with Schwagirl. I am an American English pronunciation coach.

Welcome to my show “Schwagirl”. This show is for people who speak English as a second language and living in an English environment. I am focusing on mindsets and entrepreneurship.

I speak English as a second language. I came to the US when I was 23. I had a hard time in the US because of my English accent. If you are going through a hard time, don’t give up your dreams and goals. And I hope this show will encourage and empower you! –Who is Aiko?

The fact that you speaking English as a second language, is it an advantage or disadvantage for you? I am talking about my idea in this episode.

Here is my note:
– You should be proud of yourself and your English.
– Speaking English as a second language can be an advantage. It really depends on how you look at it!

What are the takeaway messages for you? Please comment below.

For Japanese speakers who want to improve their English pronunciation: Online Courses on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/user/aiko-hemingway/

If you have any questions regarding English learning or pronunciation, living in the US, working in the US, or if you would like to be a guest on this show, please contact Aiko through http://schwagirl.com/contact

You can download each episode from this link: http://thevoiceofenglish.libsyn.com/

Support Aiko financially to be able to provide my podcast, youtube videos and FB live for free. Join her patrons on Patreon. You can donate from 1 dollar a month. https://www.patreon.com/schwagirl

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If you are interested in learning pronunciation from Aiko, visit http://hatsuonkyosei.com/ for more information. Group courses and private coaching are available as well as online self-study materials.