Hey guys! It is Aiko with Schwagirl. I am an American English pronunciation coach.

Welcome to my podcast “The Voice of English”

The purpose of this podcast is to encourage English learners and also English teachers. We all share tips and points of how we can improve our English and become better communicators. 

In Episode 3, I invited a popular youtuber from Vancouver, Canada. Her name is Kumiko from After Five English.

She is an ESL Instructor, currently working for a Settlement Agent in Vancouver, BC, as an administrator. Kumiko has been in Canada since 2008. >> Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCASfNRvwszejehZlFimXmyQ/featured?view_as=subscriber >> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/after5english/ >> Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a5ekumiko/ >> Website: https://www.afterfiveenglish.com/ >> Email: after5english@gmail.com

I highly recommend that you listen to her episode a few times until you really understand what Kumiko is talking about. Her stories are really valuable! Check out her youtube videos if you would like to learn spoken English and Canadian (or North American) culture.

If you have any questions regarding English learning or pronunciation, or if you would like to be a guest on this show, please contact me through my website

Artist: Nicolai Heidlas
Title: Hawaiian Winter

If you like this podcast, support me on https://www.patreon.com/schwagirl