Hey guys! It is Aiko with Schwagirl. I am an American English pronunciation coach.

Welcome to my podcast “The Voice of English”

The purpose of this podcast is to encourage English learners and also English teachers. We all share tips and points of how we can improve our English and become better communicators.

In Episode 14, I invited Mari Kishimoto who is a high school English teacher in Japan.

Mari is a mom of three. She worked at a private company as a system engineer before she became a high school teacher. She has been an English teacher for 15 years. She mentioned that English education in Japan is changing in 2 years and shared some passion and struggles. Let’s think about how we can improve our English and English education system together!

Here are notes

  • English education in Japan is changing in 2 years. It will have speaking, listening, reading and writing.
  • Active learning is great. Mari is letting her students speak more in class.
  • You don’t have to be perfect.

Since Mari does not use social media, contact Aiko if you would like to connect with Mari. http://schwagirl.com/contact

Artist: Nicolai Heidlas
Title: Hawaiian Winter

6th Pronunciation Counseling

11/30 Friday @7pm PST/10pm EST

For more information: https://ameblo.jp/hatsuonkyosei/entry-12421264969.html

English learning webinar with Kaori Pascua

12/7 Friday @4pm PST/7pm EST

For more information: http://hatsuonkyosei.com/