Hey guys! It is Aiko with Schwagirl. I am an American English pronunciation coach.

Welcome to my podcast “The Voice of English”

The purpose of this podcast is to encourage English learners and also English teachers. We all share tips and points of how we can improve our English and become better communicators.

In Episode 8, I invited Kaori Pascua based in California

Kaori is an English coach based in Los Angeles. She provides three month intensive English course for Japanese people who want to take their English to the next level. She’s lived in LA for six years and she is a mom of a 8-month old baby.

Here are some tips that she shared:

  • Learn English with what you like
  • Don’t limit yourself

Here are the links to her social media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaori.celeste.1

Blog: https://ameblo.jp/eigocoach-kaori/

Newsletter: https://17auto.biz/eigocoach-kaori/touroku/newsletter.htm

If you would like to have a trial lesson from her, you can sign up for her newsletter.

She will do trial lessons from Aug 9th. Don’t miss out this opportunity!

In the second segment, I am talking about what Toastmasters is all about.

You can practice public speech in a Toastmasters club.

Many people who are in Toastmasters are introverted. If you are shy like me, and want to improve your speech, you should check it out! 

You can go to https://www.toastmasters.org/ and find a club near you!

In Aug, I have a sponsor! She is Megumi the blogger based in Hawaii. She writes about Hawaiian life, English learning, and other interesting things. Check out her blog here: https://www.megumi711.com/

She operates Yes! サロン which is a community where you can output English so that you can improve English. If you are looking for an opportunity to output English, check out her twitter. https://twitter.com/MeginHawaii

If you have any questions regarding English learning or pronunciation, living in the US, working in the US, or if you would like to be a guest on this show, please contact me through http://schwagirl.com/contact

Artist: Nicolai Heidlas
Title: Hawaiian Winter

Support me financially to be able to provide my podcast, youtube videos and FB live for free. Join my patrons on Patreon. You can donate from 1 dollar a month. https://www.patreon.com/schwagirl